From 21st January 2013 Andhra Pradesh (AP) police recruitment sarts for the post of Police constable. Last date for application forms for this post is 20th February 2013. There are total 6071 vacancies available. From this post take a latest updates of AP Police constable recruitment educational qualification, age limit, selection procedure, dates and all other detailed information.
Total no of Vacancies : 6071 Vacancies
Total no of Vacancies : 6071 Vacancies
1. Stipendiary Cadet Trainee (SCT) Police Constables
i) (SCT) Police Constables (Civil) (Men) : A total of 2113 Vacancies exists for the post.
ii) (SCT) Police Constables (AR) (Men) : A total of 921 Vacancies exists for the post.
iii) (SCT) Police Constables (APSP) (Men) : 72 Vacancies
iv) (SCT) Police Constables (Civil) (Women) : A total of 2749 Vacancies available.
v) (SCT) Police Constables (AR) (Women) : 94 Vacancies exists for the post.
2. Constables (Men) in Special Protection Force (SPF) Department : A total of 08 Vacancies available
3. Firemen in A.P. Fire & Emergency Services Department: A total of 114 Vacancies available.
Age limit for ap police recruitment 2013: To apply for Firemen post candidate should have completed 18 years and below 30 years. For all other posts candidates should have completed 18 years and below 22 years as on 01-07-2012.
Educational qualification for ap police constable jobs 2013: The candidate must have passed Intermediate or its equivalent examination recognised by the State Government. For a candidate belonging to SC/ST must have passed SSC or its equivalent examination recognised by the State Government and should have studied Intermediate and appeared for the Intermediate Examinations in both the 1st year and 2nd year.
Read: MPSC 2013 Online Application forms
Selection Procedure:
Candidates will be selected on the basis of Preliminary Test, Physical Efficiency Test & Written Exam.
AP police constable recruitment 2013 application form
AP police constable application form 2013:
Candidates who are eligible and interested must apply in the application form which can be obtained from official website at
Application fee details:
Candidates are required to pay the prescribed application fee of25/- in cash at the time of submission of application form. Demand Drafts (DD), Cheques, Indian Postal Order (IPO) etc. will not be accepted. No application fee for SC/ST candidates.
AP state police constable recruitment 2013 application procedure
How to apply:
If you are interested, you have to fill the application form and submit along with the xerox copies of the necessary certificates at any of places mentioned in the official notification on any working day from 21-01-2013 to 20-02-2013 in between 10.00 am and 02.00 pm. Candidates cannot send their applications by post.
Important dates for AP police constable recruitment 2013
- Start date for submitting of AP police constable application form: 21-01-2013
- Last date for submit of AP police constable application form: 20-02-2013

Thank you..!