If you are looking for the WBJEE-2013 Online application forms, syllabus, Examination Schedule, Time table, admit card, results, then you take a all details regarding the West Bengal Join Entrance Examination. On 2nd January 2013 Official notification declared. You can pays fee through the Bank from E-Challan or Net banking.
WBJEE 2013 Online Application forms
You fill you WBJEE 2013 application forms through only online through Internet. You fill you online application forms through the official website http://www.wbjeeb.nic.in. Online portal of application forms started on Friday, 11 January 2013. Last date of fill online application forms is Saturday 16 February 2013.
Important Dates of WBJEE 2013
- Online Application forms Starts from: 11 January 2013,Friday
- Last Date of Fill Online Application forms: 16 February 2013, Saturday
- Last Date of confirmation receipt: 28 March 2013
- Admit card: Sent from Speed post from 01 April 2013, Monday
- Examination Date: 21 April 2013, Sunday
Date of Examination: 21 April 2013, Sunday
Time: 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.
Subject: Mathematics
Total Marks: 100 Marks
Time: 12.30 p.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Subject: Physics
Total Marks: 75 Marks
Time: 3.0 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Subject: Chemistry
Total Marks: 75 Marks
Examination Patterns and Marking Scheme
WBJEE 2013 examination having all questions of multiple choice questions, each question paper is divided into three categories.
Subject | Category 1 | Category 2 | Category 3 | Total Marks |
Mathematics | 60 x 1 Mark | 15 x 2 Marks | 5 x 2 Marks | 100 |
Physics | 45 x 1Mark | 10 x 2 Marks | 5 x 2 Marks | 75 |
Chemistry | 45 x 1 Mark | 10 x 2 Marks | 5 x 2 Marks | 75 |
Marking Scheme is as follows:
- For Category 1, you get 1 mark for each correct answer. If wrong then 33% mark ducted
- For Category 2, you get 1 mark for each correct answer. If wrong then 33.33% mark ducted
- In category 1 and 2, you select only one answer
- For Category 3, you select more than one option, if incorrect then 33.33 marks deducted
Calculate Total Marks:
Marks awarded= 2 x (no of correct answers)/ (total no of correct options)
Must Read: NEET 2013 Online Application forms
WBJEE 2013 Admit card
WBJEE 2013 admit card will be start sending by speed post. They will send admit card from the 01st April 2013
If you do not get hard copy of admit card from west Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Broad then take a print out from official website.
If you have admitted card’s soft copy then you must come with any of following document:
- Paste your two original photographs on soft copy taken from net and attested by Head of your Institute/School
- Postal slip
- Bank e-challan / Post office Receipt
- Original admit card of your institute
If you want to syllabus of West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE), syllabus then you must wait because official website is not yet declared syllabus. They gives only examination dates, patterns, marking schemes and application forms dates.
Check out the WBJEE 2013 Syllabus
For Latest updates of West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE) 2013 on Let’s More Education
Official notification is available at: http://www.wbjeeb.in/pdf_2012/Press__WBJEE-2013.pdf

Thank you..!